No one will argue with me when I say this has been a long, harrowing winter. Even those who love winter will admit they have had enough. This winter I have not spent a lot of time outdoors taking photos, at least not compared to previous winters. The cold was, well, just too cold.
I finally made a break for it and took to downtown Detroit to do some exploring. One place I wanted to revisit was the Packard Plant, with it being in the news so much these past few months with its recent sale, I knew there were going to be changes. For one, security (mostly keeping out the scrappers). My friend Larry (who gets credit for taking images of me for this post!) and I drove down E. Grand Blvd. by the plant where we usually park, and there it was, the security vehicle. We kept driving around the back of the plant, and parked down the street it front of an old abandoned warehouse I had also been to in the past.
This time, however, I am visiting in the cold. The sight that greeted us as soon as we walked in the front door was what looked like a frozen curtains of water completely covering the concrete stairs with giant icicles hanging down the sides. The ice was thick and walking up the stairs was a bit tricky.
As we very carefully walked up the stairs, we would stop from time to time to capture the icicles. I even had to make sure my tripod didn’t go sliding away along with my camera! Thankfully my tripod legs have spikes on the bottom of each leg to give more grip to lessen those chances!